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In Flask, the configuration system is built on top of the app.config attribute. It's a dict-like attribute; thus you can operate it as a dict.

This app.config attribute will contain the following configuration variables:

  • Flask's built-in configuration variables
  • Flask extension's built-in configuration variables
  • APIFlask's built-in configuration variables
  • Your application's configuration variables

Here is a simple example for basic operates:

from apiflask import APIFlask

app = APIFlask(__name__)

# set a config
app.config['DESCRIPTION'] = 'A wonderful API'

# read a config
description = app.config['DESCRIPTION']

Since it's dict-like object, you can also read a configuration variable with a default value via the app.config.get() method:

my_name = app.config.get('DESCRIPTION', 'default value')

Or update multiple values at once via app.config.update() method:

    'DESCRIPTION'='A wonderful API',

For a large application, you can store all the configuration variable in a separate file, for example, a file called

MY_CONFIG = 'A wonderful API'
FOO = 'bar'

Now you can set the configuration variables with the app.config.from_pyfile() method:

from apiflask import APIFlask

app = APIFlask(__name__)

# set all configs from

Read more about configuration management in Configuration Handling in Flask's documentation.


All configuration variables should be in uppercase.

Read a config outside of the application context

If you want to read a configuration variable outside of the application context, you will get an error like: "Working outside of the application context". This usually happened when you use an application factory.

When you use the application factory, you can access the config with current_app.config in the view function:

from flask import current_app

def foo():
    bar = current_app.config['BAR']

However, when you define a data schema, there isn't an active application context, so you can't use current_app. In this situation, you can access the configration variables from the module you store them:

from apiflask import Schema

from .settings import CATEGORIES  # import the configuration variable

class PetIn(Schema):
    name = String(required=True, validate=Length(0, 10))
    category = String(required=True, validate=OneOf(CATEGORIES))  # use it

Below are all the built-in configuration variables in APIFlask.

OpenAPI fields

All the configurations of OpenAPI-related fields will be used when generating the OpenAPI spec. They will also be rendered by the API documentation.


The version of OpenAPI Specification (openapi.openapi). This configuration can also be configured from the app.openapi_version attribute.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: '3.0.3'
  • Examples:
app.config['OPENAPI_VERSION'] = '3.0.2'


app.openapi_version = '3.0.2'

Version >= 0.4.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.4.0.


The server information of the API (openapi.servers), accepts multiple server dicts. This configuration can also be configured from the app.servers attribute.

AUTO_SERVERS config is default to True, which means the server information will be set automatically when the request context is available.

  • Type: List[Dict[str, str]]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SERVERS'] = [
        'name': 'Dev Server',
        'url': 'http://localhost:5000'
        'name': 'Production Server',
        'url': ''


app.servers = [
        'name': 'Dev Server',
        'url': 'http://localhost:5000'
        'name': 'Production Server',
        'url': ''


The tag list of the OpenAPI spec documentation (openapi.tags), accepts a list of dicts. You can also pass a simple list contains the tag name string. This configuration can also be configured from the app.tags attribute.

If not set, the blueprint names will use as tags, all the endpoints under the blueprint will be marked with the blueprint tag automatically.

  • Type: Union[List[str], List[Dict[str, str]]]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:

Simple tag name list example:

app.config['TAGS'] = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

With tag description:

app.config['TAGS'] = [
    {'name': 'foo', 'description': 'The description of foo'},
    {'name': 'bar', 'description': 'The description of bar'},
    {'name': 'baz', 'description': 'The description of baz'}

Full OpenAPI tags example:

app.config['TAGS'] = [
        'name': 'foo',
        'description': 'tag description',
        'externalDocs': {
            'description': 'Find more info here',
            'url': ''

Use attribute app.tags:

app.tags = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']


The external documentation information of the API (openapi.externalDocs). This configuration can also be configured from the app.external_docs attribute.

  • Type: Dict[str, str]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['EXTERNAL_DOCS'] = {
    'description': 'Find more info here',
    'url': ''


app.external_docs = {
    'description': 'Find more info here',
    'url': ''


The info field of the API ( This configuration can also be configured from the attribute. The info object (, it accepts a dict contains following info fields: description, termsOfService, contact, license. You can use separate configuration variables to overwrite this dict.

  • Type: Dict[str, str]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['INFO'] = {
    'description': '...',
    'termsOfService': '',
    'contact': {
        'name': 'API Support',
        'url': '',
        'email': ''
    'license': {
        'name': 'Apache 2.0',
        'url': ''

Or: = {
    'description': '...',
    'termsOfService': '',
    'contact': {
        'name': 'API Support',
        'url': '',
        'email': ''
    'license': {
        'name': 'Apache 2.0',
        'url': ''


The description of the API ( This configuration can also be configured from the app.description attribute.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['DESCRIPTION'] = 'Some description of my API.'


app.description = 'Some description of my API.'


The terms of service URL of the API ( This configuration can also be configured from the app.terms_of_service attribute.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['TERMS_OF_SERVICE'] = ''


app.terms_of_service = ''


The contact information of the API ( This configuration can also be configured from the attribute.

  • Type: Dict[str, str]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['CONTACT'] = {
    'name': 'API Support',
    'url': '',
    'email': ''

Or: = {
    'name': 'API Support',
    'url': '',
    'email': ''


The license of the API ( This configuration can also be configured from the app.license attribute.

  • Type: Dict[str, str]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['LICENSE'] = {
    'name': 'Apache 2.0',
    'url': ''


app.license = {
    'name': 'Apache 2.0',
    'url': ''


The custom security schemes of the API (openapi.compomnents.securitySchemes). You should only this when you use a third-party authentication library and you want to add OpenAPI spec for them. When using the built-in HTTPBasicAuth and HTTPTokenAuth, the security schemes will be generated automatically.

This configuration can also be configured from the app.security_schemes attribute.

  • Type: Dict[str, t.Any]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SECURITY_SCHEMES'] = {
    'ApiKeyAuth': {
      'type': 'apiKey',
      'in': 'header',
      'name': 'X-API-Key',


app.security_schemes = {
    'ApiKeyAuth': {
      'type': 'apiKey',
      'in': 'header',
      'name': 'X-API-Key',

OpenAPI spec

Customize the generation of the OpenAPI spec.


The format of the OpenAPI spec, accepts 'json', 'yaml' or 'yml'. This config will be used in the following conditions:

  • Serve the spec via the built-in route.
  • Execute flask spec without passing the --format/-f option.

If you want to enable the YAML support, install APIFlask with the yaml extra (it will install PyYAML):

$ pip install "apiflask[yaml]"


The auto-detection of the format from the APIFlask(spec_path=...) was removed in favor of this config in 0.7.0.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'json'
  • Examples:
app.config['SPEC_FORMAT'] = 'yaml'

Version >= 0.7.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.7.0.


The path to the local OpenAPI spec file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['LOCAL_SPEC_PATH'] = 'openapi.json'


If the path you passed is relative, do not put a leading slash in it.

Version >= 0.7.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.7.0.


The indentation of the local OpenAPI spec in JSON format.

  • Type: int
  • Default value: 2
  • Examples:
app.config['LOCAL_SPEC_JSON_INDENT'] = 4

Version >= 0.7.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.7.0.


If True, the local spec will be in sync automatically, see the example usage at Keep the local spec in sync automatically.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SYNC_LOCAL_SPEC'] = True

Version >= 0.7.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.7.0.


The MIME type string for JSON OpenAPI spec response.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'application/json'
  • Examples:
app.config['JSON_SPEC_MIMETYPE'] = 'application/custom-json'

Version >= 0.4.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.4.0.


The MIME type string for YAML OpenAPI spec response.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'text/vnd.yaml'
  • Examples:
app.config['YAML_SPEC_MIMETYPE'] = 'text/x-yaml'

Version >= 0.4.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.4.0.


If True, the spec argument passed to the spec processor will be an apispec.APISpec object.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: False
  • Examples:

Version >= 1.3.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 1.3.0.


The custom decorators of the OpenAPI documentation UI endpoint (/docs).

  • Type: List[Callable]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['DOCS_DECORATORS'] = [your_decorator]


The custom decorators of the OpenAPI spec endpoint (/openapi.json).

  • Type: List[Callable]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SPEC_DECORATORS'] = [your_decorator]


The custom decorators of the Swagger UI OAuth redirect endpoint (/docs/oauth2-redirect).

  • Type: List[Callable]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_REDIRECT_DECORATORS'] = [your_decorator]

Automation behavior control

The following configuration variables are used to control the automation behavior of APIFlask. The default values of all these configuration variables are True, you can disable them if you needed.


Enable or disable auto tags (openapi.tags) generation from the name of the blueprint.


This automation behavior only happens when app.tags or config TAGS is not set.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_TAGS'] = False


Version >= 1.2.1

This configuration variable was added in the version 1.2.1.

Enable or disable auto servers (openapi.servers) generation from the request context.

It's useful when you are running the API behind a reverse proxy with a URL prefix.

Notice the servers field will not exist when the request context is not available (e.g. flask spec command).


This automation behavior only happens when app.servers or config SERVERS is not set.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_SERVERS'] = False


Enable or disable auto path summary from the name or docstring of the view function.


This automation behavior only happens when the view function doesn't decorate with @app.doc(summary=...).

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_OPERATION_SUMMARY'] = False


This variable was renamed from AUTO_PATH_SUMMARY to AUTO_OPERATION_SUMMARY since version 0.8.0.


Enable or disable auto path description from the docstring of the view function.


This automation behavior only happens when the view function doesn't decorate with @app.doc(description=...).

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:


This variable was renamed from AUTO_PATH_DESCRIPTION to AUTO_OPERATION_DESCRIPTION since version 0.8.0.


Version >= 0.10.0

This feature was added in the version 0.10.0.

Enable or disable auto operationId from the method and endpoint of the view function. See more details in Set operationId.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: False
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_OPERATION_ID'] = True


If a view function doesn't decorate with either @app.input, @app.output, @app.auth_required or @app.doc, APIFlask will add a default 200 response for this view into OpenAPI spec. Set this config to False to disable this behavior.


You can change the description of the default 200 response with config SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_200_RESPONSE'] = False


If a view function's URL rule contains a variable. By default, APIFlask will add a 404 response for this view into OpenAPI spec. Set this config to False to disable this behavior.


You can change the description of the automatic 404 response with config NOT_FOUND_DESCRIPTION.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_404_RESPONSE'] = False

Version >= 0.8.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.8.0.


If a view function uses @app.input to validate input request data, APIFlask will add a validation error response into OpenAPI spec for this view. Set this config to False to disable this behavior.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:


If a view function uses @app.auth_required to restrict the access, APIFlask will add an authentication error response into OpenAPI spec for this view. Set this config to False to disable this behavior.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTO_AUTH_ERROR_RESPONSE'] = False

Response customization

The following configuration variables are used to customize auto-responses.


The default OpenAPI description of the 2XX responses.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: Successful response
  • Examples:
app.config['SUCCESS_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Success!'

Version >= 0.4.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.4.0.


The default OpenAPI description of the 404 response.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: Not found
  • Examples:
app.config['NOT_FOUND_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Missing'

Version >= 0.8.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.8.0.


The status code of validation error response.

  • Type: int
  • Default value: 422
  • Examples:


The OpenAPI description of validation error response.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'Validation error'
  • Examples:
app.config['VALIDATION_ERROR_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Invalid JSON body'


The schema of validation error response, accepts a schema class or a dict of OpenAPI schema definition.

  • Type: Union[Schema, dict]
  • Default value: apiflask.schemas.validation_error_schema
  • Examples:
app.config['VALIDATION_ERROR_SCHEMA'] = CustomValidationErrorSchema


The status code of authentication error response.

  • Type: int
  • Default value: 401
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTH_ERROR_STATUS_CODE'] = 403


The OpenAPI description of authentication error response.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'Authentication error'
  • Examples:
app.config['AUTH_ERROR_DESCRIPTION'] = 'Auth error'


The schema of generic HTTP error response, accepts a schema class or a dict of OpenAPI schema definition.

  • Type: Union[Schema, dict]
  • Default value: apiflask.schemas.http_error_schema
  • Examples:
app.config['HTTP_ERROR_SCHEMA'] = CustomHTTPErrorSchema


The schema of base response schema, accepts a schema class or a dict of OpenAPI schema definition.

  • Type: Union[Schema, dict]
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
from apiflask import APIFlask, Schema
from apiflask.fields import String, Integer, Field

app = APIFlask(__name__)

class BaseResponse(Schema):
    message = String()
    status_code = Integer()
    data = Field()

app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_SCHEMA'] = BaseResponse

Version >= 0.9.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.9.0.


The data key of the base response, it should match the data field name in the base response schema.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'data'
  • Examples:
app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY'] = 'data'

Version >= 0.9.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.9.0.


BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY shoud be the same as data_key instead of the name of the property if you specify data_key.

For example, BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY shoud be assigned payload instead of data in the base response schema.

class BaseResponse(Schema):
    message = String()
    status_code = Integer()
    data = Field(data_key='payload')

API documentation

The following configuration variables used to customize API documentation.


The absolute or relative URL of the favicon image file of API documentations.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['DOCS_FAVICON'] = ''


Enable or disable Google font in Redoc documentation.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: True
  • Examples:
app.config['REDOC_USE_GOOGLE_FONT'] = False


The configuration options pass to Redoc. See the available options in the Redoc documentation.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['REDOC_CONFIG'] = {'disableSearch': True, 'hideLoading': True}

Version >= 0.9.0

This configuration variable was added in the version 0.9.0.


The absolute or relative URL of the Redoc standalone JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['REDOC_STANDALONE_JS'] = ''


The absolute or relative URL of the Swagger UI CSS file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_CSS'] = ''


The absolute or relative URL of the Swagger UI bundle JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_BUNDLE_JS'] = ''


The absolute or relative URL of the Swagger UI standalone preset JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:


The layout of Swagger UI, one of 'BaseLayout' and 'StandaloneLayout'.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'BaseLayout'
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_LAYOUT'] = 'StandaloneLayout'


The config for Swagger UI, these config values will overwrite the existing config, such as SWAGGER_UI_LAYOUT.


See Configuration of the Swagger UI docs for available config options.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_CONFIG'] = {
    'layout': 'StandaloneLayout'


Configurations of Function type can be provided through strings after version 1.2.2.

For example:

app.config['SWAGGER_UI_CONFIG'] = {
    'requestInterceptor': '(req) => { console.log("Intercepted!"); return req; }'


The config for Swagger UI OAuth:



See the OAuth 2.0 configuration in Swagger UI docs for available config options.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['SWAGGER_UI_OAUTH_CONFIG'] = {
    'realm': 'foo'


The absolute or relative URL of the Elements CSS file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['ELEMENTS_CSS'] = ''


The absolute or relative URL of the Elements JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['ELEMENTS_JS'] = ''


The layout of Elements, one of 'sidebar' and 'stacked'.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'sidebar'
  • Examples:
app.config['ELEMENTS_LAYOUT'] = 'stacked'


The config for Elements, these config values will overwrite the existing config, such as ELEMENTS_LAYOUT.


See Elements Configuration Options for available config options.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['ELEMENTS_CONFIG'] = {
    'hideTryIt': 'true',
    'layout': 'stacked',


The absolute or relative URL of the RapiDoc JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['RAPIDOC_JS'] = ''


The theme of RapiDoc, one of 'light' and 'dark'.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: 'light'
  • Examples:
app.config['RAPIDOC_THEME'] = 'dark'


The config for RapiDoc, these config values will overwrite the existing config, such as RAPIDOC_THEME.


See RapiDoc API of the RapiDoc docs for available config options.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['RAPIDOC_CONFIG'] = {
    'update-route': False,
    'layout': 'row'


The absolute or relative URL of the RapiPDF JavaScript file.

  • Type: str
  • Default value: ''
  • Examples:
app.config['RAPIPDF_JS'] = ''


The config for RapiPDF.


See RapiPDF API of the RapiPDF docs for available config options.

  • Type: dict
  • Default value: None
  • Examples:
app.config['RAPIPDF_CONFIG'] = {
    'include-example': True,
    'button-label': 'Generate!'

Flask built-in configuration variables

See Builtin Configuration Values for the built-in configuration variables provided by Flask.