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Documentation Index

Welcome to APIFlask's documentation!


  • V2 (latest): The docs for the latest source code on GitHub.
  • V1: The docs for the latest 1.x release.


Go through the following chapters to learn how to use APIFlask:

The following chapters are useful for contributors and who want to know more about APIFlask:

External Documentations

I will try to cover all the basic usages in APIFlask's documentation. However, for advanced usages, you may need to read the documentation of the framework, tools that APIFlask based on:

  • Flask: The knowledge of Flask is required.
  • marshmallow: Advanced reference for schema.
  • Flask-HTTPAuth: Advanced reference for the usage of HTTPBasicAuth and HTTPTokenAuth.
  • webargs: Useful for contributors.
  • apispec: Useful for contributors.
  • OpenAPI: The OpenAPI Specification.
  • JSON Schema: Useful when you want to set a custom error schema and you don't want to use schema class.