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Data Schema

Read this section and following section first in the Basic Usage chapter for the basics of writing input and output schema.

Basic concepts on data schema:

  • APIFlask's apiflask.Schema base class is directly imported from marshmallow with some minor changes, see the API documentation for the details.
  • We recommend separating input and output schema. Since the output data is not validated, you don't need to define validators on output fields.
  • apiflask.fields includes all the fields provided by marshmallow, webargs, and flask-marshmallow (while some aliases were removed).
  • apiflask.validators includes all the validators in marshmallow.validate.
  • For other functions/classes, just import them from marshmallow.
  • Read marshmallow's documentation when you have free time.

Deserialization (load) and serialization (dump)

In APIFlask (marshmallow), the process of parsing and validating the input request data is called deserialization (we load the data from the request). And the process of formatting the output response data is called serialization (we dump the data to the response).

Notice we use the "load" and "dump" to represent these two processes. When creating the schema, we set the default value for the fields in the input schema with the load_default parameter, and we use the dump_default parameter to set the default value for fields in the output schema.

There are four decorators to register callback methods in the load/dump processes:

  • pre_load: to register a method to invoke before parsing/validating the request data
  • post_load: to register a method to invoke after parsing/validating the request data
  • pre_dump: to register a method to invoke before formatting the return value of the view function
  • post_dump: to register a method to invoke after formatting the return value of the view function

And there are two decorators to register a validation method:

  • validates(field_name): to register a method to validate a specified field
  • validates_schema: to register a method to validate the whole schema


When using the validates_schema, notice the skip_on_field_errors is set to True as default:

If skip_on_field_errors=True, this validation method will be skipped whenever validation errors have been detected when validating fields.

Import these decorators directly from marshmallow:

from marshmallow import pre_load, post_dump, validates

See this chapter and the API documentation of these decorators for the details.

Data fields

APIFlask's apiflask.fields module includes all the data fields from marshmallow, webargs, and Flask-Marshmallow. We recommend importing them from the apiflask.fields module:

from apiflask.fields import String, Integer

Or you prefer to keep a reference:

from apiflask import Schema, fields

class FooBar(Schema):
    foo = fields.String()
    bar = fields.Integer()

Some field aliases were removed

The following field aliases were removed:

  • Str
  • Int
  • Bool
  • Url
  • UrlFor
  • AbsoluteUrlFor

Instead, you will need to use:

  • String
  • Integer
  • Boolean
  • URL
  • URLFor
  • AbsoluteURLFor

See apiflask#63 and marshmallow#1828for more details.

marshmallow fields

API documentation:

  • AwareDateTime
  • Boolean
  • Constant
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Dict
  • Email
  • Field
  • Float
  • Function
  • Integer
  • IP
  • IPv4
  • IPv6
  • List
  • Mapping
  • Method
  • NaiveDateTime
  • Nested
  • Number
  • Pluck
  • Raw
  • String
  • Time
  • TimeDelta
  • Tuple
  • URL
  • UUID

Flask-Marshmallow fields

API documentation:

  • AbsoluteURLFor
  • Hyperlinks
  • URLFor
  • File
  • Config

webargs fields

API documentation:

  • DelimitedList
  • DelimitedTuple


If the existing fields don't fit your needs, you can also create custom fields.

Data validators

APIFlask's aipflask.validators contains all the validator class provided by marshmallow and two extra validators FileType and FileSize provided by flask-marshmallow:

  • ContainsNoneOf
  • ContainsOnly
  • Email
  • Equal
  • Length
  • NoneOf
  • OneOf
  • Predicate
  • Range
  • Regexp
  • URL
  • Validator
  • FileType
  • FileSize

See the marshmallow API documentation and the flask-marshmallow API documentation for the detailed usage.

When specifying validators for a field, you can pass a single validator to the validate parameter:

from apiflask import Schema
from apiflask.fields import String
from apiflask.validators import OneOf

class PetIn(Schema):
    category = String(required=True, validate=OneOf(['dog', 'cat']))

Or pass a list of validators:

from apiflask import Schema
from apiflask.fields import String
from apiflask.validators import Length, OneOf

class PetIn(Schema):
    category = String(required=True, validate=[OneOf(['dog', 'cat']), Length(0, 10)])


If the existing validators don't fit your needs, you can also create custom validators.

Schema name resolver

Version >= 0.9.0

This feature was added in the version 0.9.0.

The OpenAPI schema name of each schema is resolved based on a resolver function, here is the default schema name resolver used in APIFlask:

def schema_name_resolver(schema):
    name = schema.__class__.__name__  # get schema class name
    if name.endswith('Schema'):  # remove the "Schema" suffix
        name = name[:-6] or name
    if schema.partial:  # add a "Update" suffix for partial schema
        name += 'Update'
    return name

You can provide a custom schema name resolver by setting the APIFlask.schema_name_resolver attribute:

from apiflask import APIFlask

def my_schema_name_resolver(schema):
    name = schema.__class__.__name__
    if name.endswith('Schema'):
        name = name[:-6] or name
    if schema.partial:
        name += 'Partial'
    return name

app = APIFlask(__name__)
app.schema_name_resolver = my_schema_name_resolver

The schema name resolver should accept the schema object as argument and return the name.

Base response schema customization

Version >= 0.9.0

This feature was added in the version 0.9.0.

When you set up the output of a view function with the output decorator, you need to return the object or dict that matches the schema you passed to the output decorator. Then, APIFlask will serialize the return value to response body:

    "id": 2,
    "name": "Kitty",
    "category": "cat"

However, You may want to insert the output data into a data field and add some meta fields. So that you can return a unified response for all endpoints. For example, make all the responses to the following format:

    "data": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Kitty",
        "category": "cat"
    "message": "some message",
    "code": "custom code"

To achieve this, you will need to set a base response schema, then pass it to the configuration variable BASE_RESPONSE_SCHEMA:

from apiflask import APIFlask, Schema
from apiflask.fields import String, Integer, Field

app = APIFlask(__name__)

class BaseResponse(Schema):
    data = Field()  # the data key
    message = String()
    code = Integer()

app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_SCHEMA'] = BaseResponse

The default data key is "data", you can change it to match your data field name in your schema via the configuration variable BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY:

app.config['BASE_RESPONSE_DATA_KEY '] = 'data'

Now you can return a dict matches the base response schema in your view functions:

def say_hello():
    data = {'name': 'Grey'}
    return {
        'data': data,
        'message': 'Success!',
        'code': 200

Check out the complete example application for more details, see the examples page for running the example application.

Use dataclass as data schema

With marshmalow-dataclass, you can define dataclasses and then convert them into marshmallow schemas.

$ pip install marshmallow-dataclass

You can use the dataclass decorator from marshmallow-dataclass to create the data class, then call the .Schema attribute to get the corresponding marshmallow schema:

from dataclasses import field

from apiflask import APIFlask
from apiflask.validators import Length, OneOf
from marshmallow_dataclass import dataclass

app = APIFlask(__name__)

class PetIn:
    name: str = field(
        metadata={'required': True, 'validate': Length(min=1, max=10)}
    category: str = field(
        metadata={'required': True, 'validate': OneOf(['cat', 'dog'])}

class PetOut:
    id: int
    name: str
    category: str'/pets')
@app.input(PetIn.Schema, arg_name='pet')
@app.output(PetOut.Schema, status_code=201)
def create_pet(pet: PetIn):
    return {
        'id': 0,
        'category': pet.category

Check out the complete example application for more details, see the examples page for running the example application.

Read mashmallow-dataclass's documentation and dataclasses for more information.